Thursday, January 5, 2017

Retrolite20, Monsters, and Spells

I meant to write a longer post tonight, but got side tracked as usual. Anyway...

(By the by I'm probably not going to hyperlink stuff anymore. OSR links die too often, I don't want to link without permission, and I'm too lazy to make links for readers who aren't there (Hello Absent Reader!), etc.)

I've espoused my love of Microlite20 before. I don't recall if I've discussed before, but I love that site, and I think they have the absolute best Microlite20 material. Microlite74 and Microlite81 are both "near retroclone" variants of Microlite20, allowing you to use the d20 SRD and relevant material in an old school fashion. Rock on, totally excellent.

I'd totally just have switched to playing these games ages ago, except they do two things I find really important, in a very non old school way: Treasure and Experience Points. The biggest thing 3E changed that I can never get past is the way it handles Treasure and Experience. The math should work out basically the same, and I don't care so much about not giving XP for Gold, but it just doesn't feel right to me. Old school experience systems are just so simple and straight forward. Coupled with Swords & Wizardry's brilliant treasure system (1d6 roll determining X 2-4 value of the encounter's XP), and I just feel compelled to stick with old school games.

Serious side note here, this is genuinely the largest reason I stick with old school RPGs (D&D, Runequest, Palladium, etc.). I just don't grok with newer games when it comes to reward systems. Most are too vague, or just too "feel good" for me (gain a level, whenever it feels right? I want to earn my levels!). Whenever I consider switching to 3E or Pathfinder, I just can't stand the idea of giving out treasure in any way they suggest in the books.

With all this in mind, and I'm sure I've said I'm going to do this before, I feel inspired to make a true Retroclone Microlite. I'm not saying I'm going to release it, I might if it ends up cool. What I want to do, is just kind of make a reference booklet of the AD&D or OD&D rules in a Microlite20 format. Basically, just a retro Microlite20 for old school material, instead of d20 SRD material.

Just for kicks, here's a list of some stuff I want to include:

  • Classic AD&D and Fantasy Classes: Fighter, Rogue/Thief, Wizard, Cleric, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Cavalier, Bard, Druid, Assassin (maybe...), and possibly some obscure ones like Jester, Samurai (hat tip to Wizardry), and Acrobat. I'll be using the 1E versions as much as possible, adding things from other games/sources as necessary/desired.
  • Castles  & Crusades attribute modified saving throw system, with Swords & Wizardry saving throw target numbers (or there abouts). I just think this is one of the niftiest rules in any retroclone. Of course I might decide to go with something more Arduin, just to give this a Hackmaster feel (so many rules!).
  • A Bard based on a mix of 1E & 2E, using the 1E Illusionists spells.
  • Simplistic encounter system for Solo play, or easing the Referee's work in actual play. Something reminiscent of dungeon crawl board games, with "check door, go into room, kill, check for loot, etc." system. Not anything rigid  you'd have to follow for actual play, but useful as an outline regardless. Also borrowing Wizardry's marching order system, because it simplifies range attacks and who is in combat.

Nothing over ambitious, probably nothing useful, but that's currently what I'm working on.

This also allows me to do another one of the activities I've been desiring: a board game dungeon crawl. Simply using the 1E DMG's solo play charts will suffice for me. It gives me a game like Dungeon! with all of the good actual D&D material. Since it's old school, it's extremely easy to convert any material to Old School D&D and Microlite20, so there's no end to content I can add to this personal project.

This leads me to my next projects. Another conclusion I've come to in regards to not publishing my own games is my inability to write. I'm sure I could practice and get better, but that's not really in my priorities. I've realized what I really want, isn't to publish my own stuff, but to collect stuff for D&D. The main collection being monsters. Rather than publish my own retroclone with tons of monsters, I just want to compile all of the monsters I can come across.

What I'd like to do for this is create my own sort of Monstrous Compendium library. Find any monster I find interesting, type up a page of information from it (probably just copy it from whatever source, since I won't be releasing it), and stick it in a series of binders. Just a massive library of monster reference for my games. The next step will be to do this spells. Though that's a bit more of a crazy beast, even if there are less spells per say.


  1. This is Tetramorph from the boards. I'm still reading! What you are describing is the only kind of retro rules I would be interested in anymore. Please do share.

  2. I'll definitely share it as soon as I have something good.
