Sunday, June 15, 2014

Quick Idea

So I'm just jotting this down here really quick, so I can keep it somewhere I can access rather easily.

All of that aside, a small note on my Dungeon Crawl! idea so I don't forget what happened. I did come up with a really simple and functional rule set, based off the d20 system. It worked perfectly fine, however I simply don't know the d20 (3.5/Pathfinder) well enough to complete it. I'm not seeing an easy way of distributing experience and treasure without the CR system. I'm sure there must be, but I can't find a way of determining a monster's CR without creating it, or just eyeballing it (that's the literal advice I read in the DMG). So for now, that's shelved.

My last idea for Arcane Adventures was to basically mimic Microlite20 in form and fashion, as a vehicle for my OD&D house rules, and supplemental material I found. I would really love to do that, and I'm tempted to still, however two things are keeping me from doing that. First is I really feel like OD&D is just OD&D, and there's no reason to try and replicate it. OD&D is pretty much, make it up as you go, and just do whatever you want, and I've found that too much supplemental material actually limits my and my players' creativity.

The second reason being, that almost everyone that plays D&D played/plays B/X, AD&D or a derivative thereof. After all that's what most of TSR era D&D was. OD&D was only around for a few years really. This is the primary reason for my current idea (which I'll get to in a second). The wealth of material out there (and I've said this before, as being my reasoning for making a B/X + AD&D hybrid) is geared towards AD&D, and B/X to a lesser extent. Both of those editions have what people expect in D&D as well; several classes, mechanical benefits for character descriptions, ability bonuses, etc.

What I'm wanting to do now, is basically make "MicroliteTSR" if you will. I'm aware of Microlite74/81 (and now 78, which I'm looking forward too), and I really love Mr. Stukey's work. I think it's a wonderful game, and I really love the fact he's not trying to write a "true clone". It's also exactly my inspiration for this. I realized "hey, he's using the Microlite framework, and gearing towards the system he's familiar with". (That's reason #3 for the above, I'm kind of stuck thinking in AD&D terms now, and can't shift into a 3E paradigm).

I'm going to take the Microlite framework, and just apply the math from AD&D and B/X. I'm going to try and stick to just the rules covered in Microlite20, but simply use the AD&D or B/X variants of those rules, or even simpler rules I might find, that still fit. I really want to stick to the simplicity of Microlite, like I did with my Arcane Grimoire.

Since I know the AD&D math and paradigm so well, I'll be able to convert most any material to this system, like I do on the fly when I game. The benefit, of course, will be that I have it all ready ahead of time. It will also cover most of the "essential" D&D concepts people want when they play. I really just want a game whose rules don't get in the way of playing. I feel like Microlite accomplishes that perfectly, however I just can't figure out the experience/treasure distribution in a way that I'm comfortable with. So why not just convert it to what I'm comfortable with.

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