Tuesday, June 10, 2014


So I made some progress with "Dungeon Crawl!", with the help of my lovely wife. We took a bit of inspiration from "The Fantasy Trip", and have made what we're calling "Clash!". Right now it's just the rules for creating warriors to fight out combats, kind of like "Melee!" from back in the day. It's based off Microlite20, so there is just enough rules to play, but no filler. Since it's based off Microlite20 that means that it's compatible with d20/3.5/Pathfinder, so you can just use the "stuff" from those games (namely the free SRD and PFSRD online).

I've made two major changes to the game (which I'll be posting below). First is the removal of the class ability scores. Instead there are five stats for everything; Defense (Armor Class), Hit Points, Attack, Damage, and Ability. I was mostly inspired by Searchers of the Unknown in this regard. The second major change of the game is the "Ability" stat. Instead of Saving Throws or Skills, there is the "Ability" stat, that functions as a bonus to every non-combat roll in the game (unless otherwise specified). Players can then choose "Talents" (like feats) to grant bonuses to specific situations, or they're free to create classes with specific bonuses.

I won't go into the why's and where-to-fores. Suffice it to say I find this to be a simple enough game that doesn't get in the way of having fun for me, and requires the least conversion of any system I've found. I'm not saying it's a major improvement over other systems, just that it's what I like. Anyway, here you go:



There are 5 stats: Defense, Hit Points, Attack, Damage, and Ability. Defense starts at 10, Hit Points start at 15, Attack starts at +1, Damage is determined by weapon, and Ability starts at +1.


Roll d20 for initiative order. Everyone can do one interesting activity each turn; move a short distance and attack, move a great distance, cast a spell, etc. Some actions, such as quaffing a magic potion, are considered a “minor action” and can be performed in addition to a normal action.

Add a character’s “Attack” bonus to a d20 roll. If higher than the target’s “Defense” score, it’s a hit. A natural 20 is automatically a critical, doing maximum damage.

Characters can wield two weapons and attack with both in a round, if they take a penalty on all attack rolls that round. If both weapons are light there is no penalty, if one is light and the other one-handed the penalty is -2, if both are one-handed the penalty is -4.

If “Hit Points” reach 0, characters are unconscious and near death. If “Hit Points” are brought below 0, players can make an “Ability Check”. A successful “Ability Check” means the character is stabilized at 0 “Hit Points” and unconscious, a failure means death.


Anything that is not an attack roll is usually an “Ability Check”. When making an “Ability Check” add your “Ability” score to a d20 roll. You can also add any specific bonuses your character might have from talents, items, magic, etc. There are no skills or saving throws in “WARRIOR!”, instead the “Ability Check” can be used when necessary.


Each level, including 1st, players may select a “Talent” for their characters. “Talents” are small bonuses or abilities characters have in certain situations. The most basic “Talents” are simple bonuses to character Stats.

+1 Defense: can be taken multiple times. For example, if taken twice, the bonus is +2, if taken three times the bonus is +3, etc.

+1 Hit Point: can be taken multiple times. For example, if taken twice, the bonus is +2, if taken three times the bonus is +3, etc.

+1 Attack: can be taken multiple times. For example, if taken twice, the bonus is +2, if taken three times the bonus is +3, etc.

+1 Damage: can be taken multiple times. For example, if taken twice, the bonus is +2, if taken three times the bonus is +3, etc.

+1 Ability: can be taken multiple times. For example, if taken twice, the bonus is +2, if taken three times the bonus is +3, etc.


Each level adds: +5 Hit Points, +1 to “Attack”, +1 to “Ability”, and a new “Talent”.

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Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan,
Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on
original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Microlite20 © 2006, Robin V. Stacey
This product is 100% Open Game Content except for Product Identity, as per the Open Game
License above. Product Identity includes Microlite20 and Robin V. Stacey, Darrell King and Al
Krombach. Product Identity also includes "Clash!".

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