Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Monster Comparisons

I'm going to start taking a bit more of a methodical approach to Arcane Adventures. I want to be able to use material from every edition. I have little desire to balance monsters against each other for game play purposes, because that's not fun, and balance fetish is something from later games. However, it is important to "balance" monsters against each other for the sake of logic and internal consistency.

See in old school D&D it doesn't really matter whether your kobold has 1-4 hit points or 1-8 hit points, whether he has AC13 or AC15, because all of that is factored into his experience point value. It also doesn't really matter, because none of the stats are actually based off any realism factors. Though to the players it matters, because they need to be able to gauge the danger of the world. If they see a Dragon they should be able to learn from experience whether it's going to be difficult to fight, or practically impossible to fight. They also need to be able to judge whether a kobold is a weak (AC13, 1d4 HP) creature, or practically a knight (AC15, 1d8 Kobold being nearly identical to an old school Knight of AC15 and 1d8 HP).

In other words if I'm going to use 3E material next to AD&D material, next to OD&D material, there should be some consistency between monsters.Furthermore, monsters that should be logically weaker or stronger than others, should be so. A kobold probably shouldn't be as strong as a Knight (unless you really want that). A Dragon should probably be stronger than a Basilisk, and so forth.

Anyway, I'm going to be comparing monsters from across all the editions I can find. I haven't found it anywhere else. If it is somewhere on the web please point me to it, and save me the time. I'm going to be comparing OD&D post Greyhawk, Holmes, AD&D (1E and 2E if different), 3.5, and Pathfinder.

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