Monday, April 6, 2015

Fantasy Crawl!

Fantasy Crawl!

Nothing there yet. It's a blog I started originally to track my ideas for my Dungeon Crawl project. I'm thinking since this whole Wizards & Warriors idea fits that theme and idea better than it does Arcane Adventures, I think I might start posting there.

The biggest divergence of this project from that of Arcane Adventures is the end game. Where as Arcane Adventures was meant to really have that old school feel, and support the old school philosophy and principles, this new game really doesn't. Instead it definitely seems like it's gonna make a great standalone "game". I truly mean game. No pretense of Role Playing Game, or D&D clone, or anything like that.

As of right now it's looking like the whole point of Wizards & Warriors is going to be: kill the monsters, grab the loot, and buy magic items and gear to kill more. Very hack and slash. Very fun oriented, and very much more like a game. More along the lines of an expanded Dungeon! than a D&D lite kind of game.

Plus a fresh start is always nice.

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