Sunday, July 28, 2013

Scope and Time

This four year old discussion really explains why I've changed my mind so much, or at least provides a goodly amount of insight.

A fellow by the name of Chris did almost exactly what I'm doing, but to his taste. He took AD&D 1E and 2E, mixed them with 3E and Castles and Crusades, to make his perfect D&D. He copied text wholesale like I intend to, and even went so far as to use the original artwork and covers.

A lot of people gave him flack because he didn't make it OGL friendly, and isn't sharing it the "right way". Now this was four years ago, and it's still up surprisingly. At the time though, a few people were concerned it would make the OSR look bad, and WOTC would hunt him down, etc. What these people fail to realize is Scope and Time.

See with other retroclones they have one, maybe three source documents they're working from. They just have to rewrite a single, or maybe a few books, and that's that. Myself, on the other hand, am going to be referencing dozens, if not hundreds of sources for my project. Copying out the information is going to take long enough, imagine taking the time to reword it. Especially since you can only rewrite the definition of strength so many times.

This is partly why I've given up on making something legally publishable. Not only do I know I'll have little to know interest (I've checked a few forums, and only 1 person has played Chris' game), but the amount of work that will go into making an OGL friendly document would be ridiculous on my part.

Of course this isn't anything I haven't said before, and I've known about AD&D3, but it's interesting to view a similar situation. Definitely solidifies my decision in all of this. However just like Chris', I'll be more than willing to share my work, with anyone that can look past the "blatant plagiarism", and see it for the laborious work it is.

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