Sunday, May 13, 2018

Anyone Out There?

I saw my post this morning had 5 views. Does that mean someone's still subscribed? That'd be pretty nifty. I had a couple cool guys comment when I used to post regularly, and it'd be cool to know if anyone is still out there.

If you are, what do you wanna read about? Anything you'd like me to post? I might start posting cool stuff I find in RIFTS, Arduin, Chaosium, and Talislanta products. Let me know if anyone is interested. I could do play reports too, but I've never really been one to read those myself, so I never thought to write them.

Oh and if anyone does read this, why not go snoop around the ODD74 boards. It's a friendly place, stop in and say hi. I might have to do that myself.

Cheers guys.


  1. Hey this is Tetramorph from ODD74. I follow because I stream your blog through the Old Reader. I started following you so long ago I can't remember who you are at ODD74! Fight on!

  2. Hey man! I remember some of your old comments, always very encouraging. I doubt you'll remember, but I'm Jakdethe on ODD74. I just made that thank you post. I'll see you round the blogsophere and forums.

  3. OKay, well, good to see you around the inter webs again! Post some more over at ODD74. Dig up some old threads and bring them to life again. Etc. Fight on!
