Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Greyhawk Fighting-Man for White Box

Here's an option for a White Box D&D, as an alternative to the Greyhawk Fighter. I'm going to try and come up with a bunch of alternative White Box classes for fun. I hope to have each class description down to one to three paragraphs, so expect these posts to be extremely short; I'd lump them together, but I've only got the Fighter so far, and don't want to wait. Anyway, on to the Fighter.

This is meant to be a much simpler Fighter, with no need to reference tables. This runs under the assumption you either don't use universal ability score modifiers, or they are limited to +1/-1 as presented in Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox. This is should serve to greatly strengthen the Fighter against other classes, and makes the class a great simple option for players to choose from. These rules also assume 1d6 hit dice for every character, regardless of class.

For every point of Strength over 14 (starting at 15), the Fighter gains a +1 bonus "to hit" and damage rolls in melee combat. For every point of Constitution over 14, the Fighter gains a +1 bonus to hit points rolled. For every point of Dexterity over 14, the Fighter gains a +1 bonus to armor class.

At 10th level, the Fighter gains an additional attack per turn. Against creatures of 1 hit die or less, the Fighter can attack a number of times equal to his level; this can be spread amongst multiple opponents.

I'm toying with making the Fighter an all around combat bad-ass like he was originally, so I might consider giving him a +1 "to hit" ranged bonus for every point of Dexterity over 14, thought I could reserve that for the Ranger.

There is a clear precedence for the above Fighter in Greyhawk, as he's more or less a simplified version of the Greyhawk Fighter, with my interpretation of the parry rules. So it's not really anything special, just thought I'd share. In retrospect I guess should say this my adaptation of the Greyhawk Fighter for White Box D&D.

I personally like this option, because it resembles the fighters from literature I'm familiar with. A character who is personified by his attributes and strength. It also gives a simple, straightforward class option, not reliant on a plethora of abilities.

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