Monday, March 25, 2013

Jeet Kune D&D

I heard the best description of my game yet. I was explaining to a good friend this weekend what I was trying to do. Now this friend has only played D&D twice with me, but loves the idea of it, and had a great time. It should be noted this friend never wanted to play D&D before, in fact was adamantly opposed to it, just because he thought it wasn't his thing. The point in all of this, is that Arcane Adventures was able to get someone who had no interest in D&D, to play and love the game. I digress; My friend said "Oh so it's Jeet Kune D&D", and I thought to myself "Holy crap, that's it!". For anyone who doesn't know Jeet Kune Do was Bruce Lee's martial arts system he developed by taking what he liked from various styles and combining them with a foundational philosophy.
I'm not saying I'm the Bruce Lee of gaming, or that my system is the best, but the concept is definitely the same. I'm trying to take the best parts (or at least the parts I like) from the various versions or "styles" of D&D. Just like fighting styles, one system might be best at one thing. For example Jujitsu is excellent for wresting, and Karate is great for kicking. A good fighter might want to take the kicks from Karate, and the wrestling from Jujitsu to be a well rounded fighter. Just like 3E has a decent combat system, and AD&D has a great set of classes, a DM might want to combine those rules, to make a well rounded game.

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